Loveland Feed and Grain
The Loveland Feed and Grain building is a historic building with original construction date of 1880. As a result of fire damage building was rebuilt between 1891-1892. Additions were made to the building in 1903. This building has a basement containing mill equipment; first floor contains processing equipment and office areas, twenty bins/silos extending from the basement to the roof (about 63 ft in height), a small second floor office area and two unoccupied mezzanine/attic levels.
Rehabilitation of the first floor of the 1892 Loveland Feed & Grain, a heavy-timber frame building on the Artspace Loveland Arts Campus in Downtown Loveland. The first floor area is approximately 15,000 square feet and will be used as a creative sector business incubator, coworking space and assorted gallery and performance spaces. Plans for the completion of the exterior rehabilitation will also be part of this project.