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Aspen Community School

The Aspen Community School (ACS), built forty-three years ago, was Harry Teague’s first project in the Aspen area. In the process of designing and building the school, Harry relied to an unusual degree on community and user input on many levels. The concept of the building was in large part built around the ideas of the children who would be the real users of the school. The designers took care to make as many elements as possible child-sized.


While it was built extremely inexpensively using readily available local materials, the original ACS building remains viable after thirty-six years of rough and tumble service.


Additional structures designed by Harry Teague Architects have been added to the ACS campus, using the same philosophy of providing the most with the least means. A new gymnasium was completed for the school in 1989, along with a new wood shop, art studio, and resident housing on site.

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